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发布时间:2018/01/18 22:26:00  浏览次数:1030
  刘文革   字 文童

  2017年9月17日特邀参加 第二届中国敦煌丝绸之路国际文化博览会开幕式
  掐丝工艺要求艺人具有灵巧的手上功夫,而这功夫的掌握,是需要长期悉心磨练的。 掐丝粉彩画以金丝作为线条,用天然矿宝石粉著色的一种天然环保型工艺画,也叫掐丝粉彩画。主要以五色石为大自然中本色天然石料,多为加工宝玉石的碎料,如蓝宝石,红宝石,绿松石,青金石,南红,青玉,碧玉石等等。经粉碎后的石粉及颗粒,用其制作的书画装饰艺术品高贵、华丽、吉祥,喻义深刻。籍以表现的中国传统艺术民间工艺画。赋予着更加丰富的文化内涵。
  Liu Wenge(Courtesy name,Wentong)
  Awarded the title of "International Folk Arts and Crafts Artist" by UNESCO
  National First-class Craft Artist
  An Artistic Adviser to the Eastern Art World
  Member of Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association
  Member of China Arts and Crafts Association
  Senior Technical Consultant of China Women’s Knitting Association
  Member of Tianjin Folk Literature and Art Association
  Member of Tianjin Arts and Crafts Association  
  Vice President and Senior Technical Consultant to Tianjin Knitting Association of Traditional

  Arts and Crafts Association
  Vice President of Tianjin Central Gourd Chamber of Commerce        
  He was born in Tianjin in 1960, loving painting, craft painting, seal cutting and so on when he was very young. With many famous artists’ guidance, he stepped the way to the art career firmly and loved the Wire Inlay Enamel deeply . 
  In December, 2017 participated in the seventh council of the national association of women’s manual knitting in Kunming. Showed the works Good luck and happiness and Five blessings figure, and introduced the processing of  Wire Inlay Enamel Art. Praised by the experts at the meeting  
From January 16, 2017 to 23, teaching Wenge Wire Inlay Enamel Art to the winter camp students in Tianjin City Art Museum.
  On December 30, 2016 awarded the title of "Chinese Artistic Influence Innovative Artist" by the China Haobrand network and the Chinese Excellent Figure Network.
  On November 9, 2016 the Thangka works ,the King of wealth won the gold medal in Central Tianjin Gourd Culture Festival. 
  On September 28, 2016 the works Fuguitu was awarded the gold medal in the First Gourd Art and Design Competition in Tianjin and the works Shouxing won the silver medal.
  On September 2, 2016 participated in the Fourth World Tourism (Industry) Expo in Macao,   many of the works have been collected by the Hong Kong and Macao compatriots and overseas Chinese.
  On November 13, 2015 participated in the "Cross-strait Cultural Creative and Art Exhibition" .
  In October ,2014 participated in the Fourth International Folk Fair and was awarded the title of "International Folk Arts and Crafts Artists" by UNESCO.
  In November, 2012 interviewed by the program Yu Long Bai Xi of Tianjin TV Station  and showed a number of works in which.
  In October, 2012 participated in the third Tianjin Folk Art Exhibition and won the Best Creative Award.
  On February 18, 2012 interviewed by the program "Four Monsoon" of Tianjin TV station  Showed the latest works of "Chinese Marriage Culture" which is ten meters long scroll. This works has been declared Guinness. (Be enshrined in Tian Xia Yi Xi marriage customs museum )
  In 2010 Awarded in the second Tianjin Folk Art Exhibition.
  2007 - 2009 many times participated in Cultural and Arts Festival held by the municipal government, praised by the city leaders, won various awards.
  1988 - 1994 many times awarded in handicraft painting & seal cutting in"Blue Shield Art Festival”, held by the City Public Security Bureau .
  During the period of 1986 - 1988, showed handicraft paintings and the panoramic sand table to many state leaders.  
  Wire Inlay Enamel Art Introduction
  This procedure is to bend the flat and thin wires into a variety of patterns with the filigree tweezers , then stick them on the planes of the objects or the tire types of different shapes of objects carefully and exactly, finally paint the objects with a riot of colorful gem powder and enamel glaze.
  So knowledgeable people often say, like building the house frame, Wire Inlay process plays a vital role in the artistic level of products.
  Wire inlay craft requires artist to be equipped with dexterous handcrafts, and this skill’s mastery is in need of long-term careful practice. Wire Inlay Enamel painting uses golden wires as painting line, a natural environment-friendly painting process with natural colored gemstones  powder , Wire Inlay Enamel Art mainly uses pure natural and multicolored ore which will never fade as natural stones. Most of them are oddments of gems and jades after processing , such as sapphire, ruby, turquoise, lazuli, southern red agate, gray jade, jasper stone and so on. These calligraphy and painting artworks with the crushed powder and granule of gems and jades are noble, gorgeous, auspicious, profound meaning. These folk art paintings of Chinese traditional art are endowed with more abundant cultural connotation.   
  Gold body painting and calligraphy art is a kind of painting and calligraphy art form with pure gold or gold-plated wires, the gem powder and the jade powder.
  Gold body paintings, characters, animals, flowers and birds showed complete patterning, but not the failure of the style of art. The art of the pure natural and multicolored ore owns high art reputation and market awareness and gains high focus and evaluation from the world crafts and art circle, called the Millennium art flower, the beauty with all kinds of colorful gems and jades, the art which can be able to perform wonders.  
  The handmade artworks are suitable for families, hotels, meeting rooms, offices, restaurants and other places. As they can be used as the luxurious decoration, they definitely are elegant gifts for relatives and friends.
  Stylish and elegant, folkloric and gorgeous handicraft painting and embroidery handicraft painting go hand in hand .The decoration is an art form of human life. It can change our living space and our life stile. It can endow the life with poetic color and shape and make people obtain aesthetic pleasure, enjoy the romance and fun of life.

窦尔敦 《盗御马》Dou Erdun Steal a royal horse

伽蓝2 《泗州城》Jia LanⅡ Sizhou City

通臂猴《石猴出世》Tongbi monkey -Stone monkey was born

夏侯德 《定军山》Xia Houde -Dingjunshan

银眼僧  二龙山Silver - eyed monk Erlong mountain

张飞《甘露寺》Zhang Fei - Ganlu Temple

赵天君 《闹天宫》Zhao Tianjun -Heaven palace



上一篇: 吴明“中华竹叶书•老子道德经”书画展在东城区第一文化馆风尚美术馆开幕
下一篇: 嘎藏大师获奖唐卡作品欣赏东方艺术天地报道

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